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API > @blocksuite/virgo > domRangeToVirgoRange

Function: domRangeToVirgoRange ​

domRangeToVirgoRange( range, rootElement, yText): VRange | null

calculate the vRange from dom selection for this Editor there are three cases when the vRange of this Editor is not null: (In the following, "|" mean anchor and focus, each line is a separate Editor)

  1. anchor and focus are in this Editor aaaaaa b|bbbb|b cccccc the vRange of second Editor is {index: 1, length: 4}, the others are null
  2. anchor and focus one in this Editor, one in another Editor aaa|aaa aaaaaa bbbbb|b or bbbbb|b cccccc cc|cccc 2.1 the vRange of first Editor is {index: 3, length: 3}, the second is {index: 0, length: 5}, the third is null 2.2 the vRange of first Editor is null, the second is {index: 5, length: 1}, the third is
  3. anchor and focus are in another Editor aa|aaaa bbbbbb cccc|cc the vRange of first Editor is {index: 2, length: 4}, the second is {index: 0, length: 6}, the third is

Parameters ​


Returns ​

VRange | null

Defined In ​
